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Delta Pars Nahadeh

In the context of developing its human capital, DPN held a technical training session for all its agricultural engineers on December 14, 2021, followed by another Advanced Negotiation skills Workshop targeting the Sales and Commercial team on the 15th and 16th. The gatherings reflected DPN’s commitment to excellence and constant improvement.

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DPN 2021 Annual Gathering

On December 14, 2021,  after a hiatus that lasted two years due to the Covid-19 Pandemic, DPN held its annual gathering in Parsian Azadi Hotel. The meeting highlighted DPN’s “commitment” to its core values despite the prevailing ongoing situation. Tokens of appreciation were offered to employees with over 5 and 10 years of experience as seniors, stressing their valuable contribution to the company as part of its commitment to excellence and constant employees growth and improvement.




Technical Topic / Blossom End Rot / What is Blossom End Rot?

Blossom End Rot or in brevity BER is a physiological problem caused by lack of Calcium in the plant, Generally when the tomatoes’ fruit get rotting in the bottom it’s a sign of Blossom end rot, This is a common problem in the some plants like Tomato, Pepper, Eggplant and Squash, in this case the bottom tissue of the fruits get rotting, deformed and the fruit color get changes (brown or black), thus It has directly affects the fruit’s quality and overall yield of the plant. Cause of Blossom end rot The main cause of BER is the lack of Calcium in the plant, the lack of Calcium may be to due to the low amount of Calcium in the soil, the ability of the plant to absorb it, or the set of factors that have an effect on the absorption, The first one is related to the amount of Calcium, the second one is related to the plant, the last one is from the environment that the plants are faced to, Control and Prevention: The use of tolerant varieties can help reduce the occurrence of this disorder, Application of Calcium fertilizers before planting and in the plant establishment reduces the possibility of incidence of BER, Have an accurate irrigation schedule and avoid watering too much and too little can help to the plant to absorb the Calcium, Use mulches to provide the soil moisture to the plant especially in the dry periods, It can help to prevent this problem, Because blossom-end rot is caused by a calcium deficiency don’t tempt to fertilize your plants more, in most cases, there is already sufficient calcium in the soil but the plants just cannot absorb enough of it. Over fertilization is also harmful, and having too much nitrogen, magnesium, and potassium in the soil can actually make BER worse. Try to keep the soil PH in the range of 6.5 because in this range the most nutrients can be uptake by the plants,    




DPN Field Day, July 2021

On July 18 to 20th, 2021 Delta Pars Nahade seeds department held Open days at Karaj trial station while respecting Covid-19 pandemic safety measures. Around 80 Key customers attended the event. The planted crops showcased included: Watermelon, Determinate Tomato, Open Field Cucumber, Squash, Okra, Forage Corn, Melon, Sweet and Hot Pepper, Eggplant, Super Sweet Corn, Greenhouse Cucumber and Indeterminate Tomato.




Field day in Hamedan

On the 5th of July 2021, Delta Pars Nahadeh held a Field day to showcase the evaluation of Agriflex efficacy to control of Globodera rostochiensis.

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